- Pneumoperitoneum is the presence of
gas within the peritoneal cavity, as may occur when a perforation forms in
the stomach or intestines, and heralds a perilous situation.
- Peritonitis refers to inflammation of
the peritoneal lining or cavity, as may occur with either a perforation or
by spread of infection through the wall of one of the abdominal organs.
This too is a serious condition, and often requires emergency surgery.
- Ascites is an accumulation of excess
fluid within the peritoneal cavity.
Peritoneal dialysis
In one
form of dialysis, the peritoneal dialysis, a special solution is run
through a tube into the peritoneal cavity. The fluid is left there for a while
to absorb waste products, and then removed through the tube. The reason for
this effect is the high number of arteries and veins in the peritoneal cavity.
Through the mechanism of diffusion, waste products are removed from the blood.

The epiploic foramen, greater sac or general cavity
(red) and lesser sac, or omental bursa (blue).